12 April, 2023 at 9:00 AM
10 April, 2023 at 9:00 AM
8 April, 2023 at 7:00 AM
the groomer was out last night do 19, 308 , 22 and 301 try do keep trail in shape but we have issue the jeep group was on trail and did some mess in some part of trail (specially from club house to shelter 19/4 Roseau Arlo nbfsc was advise of that issue the trail is still on until the 15 of April (the groomer will be in that area try to fix it today ) so attention in the area
pleases respect the slider and be a wear that could causes a accident
6 April, 2023 at 9:00 AM
5 April, 2023 at 9:00 AM
The trails on the upper block, 19 W, 308, 303, 307 and 301 are all groomed and in good shape. NOTE the trails on the lower block are all closed. 19 E, 304 and 310; too much gravel and wash out. So if you go to that area; it's at your own risk. We suggest that you haul your sled to the lodge.
1 April, 2023 at 9:00 AM
The groomer was on trail 19 E last night to the host and there some wash out in some area, especially from 310 junction to the host and worst in 304 area there are some red cone install in place as a marker.
So there will be evaluation today and that could be the last run of grooming in the lower block; also groom from the clubhouse on 19 to the 308 and 19 up to junction 19/22.
30 March, 2023 at 9:00 AM
The groomer was on trail 19 EST last night to the host and there some wash out in some area specially from 310 junction to the host and worse in 304 area there some red cone install in place as marker
so there will be evaluation today and that could be the last run of grooming in the lower block also groom from club house on 19 to the 308 and 19 up to junction 19/22
29 March, 2023 at 9:00 AM
25 March, 2023 at 9:00 AM
As the president of chaleurs motoneige club # 4 and all is member i would like to said thanks' to Yvette and Michel from Lauberge ressources inc for there support of the club for this present season 2022/2023 and it was nice to see you again and i always said it not the amount $ that is important it the respect and the thought that is count so i invite all member if you pass take the time and stop just to say merci because it the time and the effort that certain people put to make a season grate... one again Merci
24 March, 2023 at 9:00 AM
So we have approx. 10 cm of wet snow, so will see what that do to trail system but right now both groomers are in the trails; #2 New Holland is on the lower block doing 19 E, down to the Host and 304 Danny’s.
and the demo groomer (tucker) is on the upper block doing the 19 W, 308 and 303 and when it is back to the clubhouse, they are scheduled to stay on trails. The #2 New Holland will go on 301, 22 and the demo tucker will be going on 19 W, up to junction 503 Samson field and back to the clubhouse.
From: Chaleur Snowmobile Club
To: Rivière Tetagouche
From: 19/301 JCT
To: 19/22 JCT Shelter
From: 22/301 JCT
To: Island Lake
From: Trail 19
To: Upper Lake
From: Trail 19
To: Rocky Brook Cluster
From: Trail 19
To: Up to Cormier Road, Petit Rocher (Hydro line)
From: Chaleur Snowmobile Club
To: 19/301 JCT (Arleau Brook Shelter)
From: 19/22 JCT Shelter
To: IP Road
From: Trail 19
To: Trail 22
From: Trail 19
To: Danny's Inn
From: Trail 19
To: Trail 22 - Island Lake